The modern consumer’s experience with information about their health and healthcare is simultaneously plentiful and overwhelming. Consumers now have multiple sources of information on their personal health and healthcare services literally within reach, from fitness trackers and other health monitoring devices to mobile applications that allow them to access their electronic health records (EHRs) and schedule appointments.
However, the user experience of accessing, understanding, and easily using not only their own health information but also their family’s data is often confusing and frustrating—at a moment when consumers are increasingly accustomed to a more seamless experience from other industries.
For health information (HI) professionals who work in diverse workplace settings where health information is managed, helping the healthcare system better meet the needs of healthcare consumers—whether directly or indirectly—may require an evolution of their current skills and roles.
This paper highlights insights from leaders from health systems, insurers, health technology companies, health information exchanges, academic institutions, patient advocacy groups, and trade associations on the evolution of the HI field in light of these transformative changes.
This report was prepared by Kaufman Hall at the request of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA).